Home » Quizzes – Biosatistics – 2 Quizzes – Biosatistics – 2 / Biosatistics Welcome to your Biostatistics 2 1. Unawareness of which of the following would represent a double-blinded clinical trial? Control and experimental group Researcher and control group Researcher, control and experimental group All of the them None of them None 2. A group of researches are conducting a study about the effect of a newly developed diet program on the BMI. The study group is to be performed on two groups randomly chosen within the same town. Which of the study types is performed in this case? Experimental study Retrospective cohort study Cross sectional study Case control study Community trial None 3. Smoking is well known to cause chronic obstructive diseases. A research team has conducted a prospective cohort study on the effect of smoking on the development of chronic bronchitis. Two groups each consisting of 500 individuals were followed over five years. The study group just included smokers and the control group none. Of the study group 100 people have developed chronic bronchitis and of the study group 5. How many of all people (in percentage) having developed chronic bronchitis are attributed to smokers? 5% 19% 9,5% 95% 59% None 4. A study was conducted to find out the association between alcohol and bowel cancer. Two groups of one being the study group of 100 individuals drinking alcohol regularly and the other being the control group of 100 individual without any alcohol consume throughout their life. Which would describe the likelihood of alcohol consumption in individuals with bowel cancer? 6 7,5 3 8,1 1,8 None 5. A list of early morning fasting glucose measurements are given from the a patient from the past 10 days: 125, 132, 130, 133, 125, 134, 126, 130, 138 and 150 mg/dL. What is the median of this data set (Round up numbers with a decimas)? 128 129 130 131 132 None 6. A new surgery technique was developed for the emergency aortic surgery. Survival rate during the conventional technique is 50%. Survival rate for the new technique is 80%. What is the relative risk reduction? 37,5 73,5 50 25 60,5 None 7. A new technique has been developed for emergency aortic surgery. The rate of mortality for the conventional technique is 50% and for the new technique 40%. What is the relative risk redution here? 20% 0,2% 10% 25% 80% None 8. A new screening test for lung cancer is introduced with following study results. The current disease has a sensitivity of 70%. Which of the following statements are correct? The new screening method has a sensitivity of 85% The new screening method has a sensitivity has round about 12% more sensitivity than the current method The new screening method has a lesser sensitivity and should therefore does not constitute any value All statements are correct All statements are incorrect None 9. A prospective study is done about the effect of physical activity on the development on the BMI in two different groups. One group contains workers in physically active jobs and the other group people having an office job. At the beginning the BMI in the second group was higher in group B. During the course of the study a steady decrease in the BMI was noticed in group 2 to a steady BMI in group A. They noticed that the people of group B have began to be more physically active from the beginning of the study. All members of the study were informed about the study content. Which of the conditions below would describe the situation the best? Pygmalion Effect Hawthrone effect Late-look bias Reporting bias Lead-time bias None 10. A new physician has developed a new antidiabetic drug, which has been approved for clinical trials. Two groups of diabetic patients were randomly formed and followed for the next 3 months. One getting the new antidiabetic drug, and the other group is their current medication. The group are both followed by the same physician. This has been in three other hospitals as well, where other physicians not part of the team that has developed the drug were in charge. Interestingly, the group with the new antidiabetic drug that has been under the charge of the founder of the drug has shown a much higher drop in the HBA1C than the other groups taking the same drug but in other hospitals. Which of the following would explain this difference in results between the groups the very best? Pygmalion effect Hawthrone effect Lead-time bias Selection bias Confounder bias None 1 out of 10 Time's up