Home » Quizzes & Surveys » Infectious diseases Infectious diseasesBy Admin / May 13, 2023 Welcome to your Infectious diseases Which of the following statements about carbapenems is not correct? a) Carbapenems are beta-lactam antibiotics b) They are effective against gram positive(+) and gram negative(-) bacteria c) They are largely metabolized in the liver by the enzyme dihydropeptidase-1 and should therefore be carefully given in the presence of liver failure d) They show less sensitivity against beta-lactamase inhibitors e) One of the side effects is seizure due to their inhibitory effects on GABA-receptors None Which of the following statements regarding the life cycle of malaria is not correct? a) Entrance into the human body occurs in the form of sporozoites, which then spread to the liver b) Maturation into multinucleated schizonts occur in the hepatocytes c) Rupture of the schizonts releases trophozoites into the blood stream d) Merozoites enter Erythrocytes and develop into trophozoites e) Schizonts release their merozoites into the blood stream through Erythrocyte lysis None Which of the following statements about malaria is not correct a) A common symptom are paroxysms of fever b) The different species mostly invade reticulocytes c) Wright-Giemsa stain is used in the diagnosis d) Chloroquine is effective in the liver phase also known as the pre-erythrocytic phase e) All of them are correct None Time's upTime is Up! Post navigation ← Previous QuizNext Quiz →